


格式:[四/六]级, 年份, 月份, 第几套。

六级, 2023, 12, 2

  • Section A
  1. 沙漠是具有欺骗性的,乍一看,荒原/一毛不拔的火星基地。但其实,它是充满生机/神奇/有魔力的地方
  2. M沙漠是一个极端的地方,天气变化很大
  3. 沙漠中心是保护区,穿着宽边帽的当地百姓,是优胜美地的代名词
  4. 摄影师去那必须要准备好装备
  5. 作为摄影师,如果你足够耐心,你会在沙漠收获颇丰。
  1. For most passersby humming through the Mojave on their way to try their luck in Los Vegas or heading towards the Grand Canyon.

  2. It's just a flat stretch of land with some mountains in the distance and more apt to be a setting for a movie that takes place on Mars.

  3. The desert, however, is overflowing with life, mystery, and magic.

  4. The Mojave desert is a land of extremes.

  5. The folks managing and working there wear the wide-brimmed hats that have become synonymous with places like Yosemite.

  • Section C
  1. 通过女明星“戒网“引入话题
  2. 戒网并不是简单的一件事,它很微妙复杂,因为生活中许多事都跟网络挂钩
  3. 因为网很重要,所以戒网对于普通人来说很难,但是却是富人的一项“权利”,因为富人有专业团队维护账号,所以他们可以做到平衡戒网与名利
  4. 数字鸿沟是英国面临的一项问题
  5. 戒网能让一部分人内心健康,但不能否定的是,也让一些人收获了分享的快乐
  6. 网络以后肯定会越来越发达,所以我们需要更多行动去维护贫穷人连接网络的权利
  7. 对于那些觉得网络危害了内心的人,就少玩点。对于那些处于数字鸿沟的人,就多玩点。
  1. Ditching the web at large, however, is a far more subtle and complicated prospect.
  2. Actively opting out of using the internet becomes a matter of privilege.
  3. Ms Gomez’s multi-millionaire status has allowed her to take the “social” out of social media, so she can continue to leverage her enormous fame while keeping the trolls (恶意挑衅的贴子) at bay.
  4. The fact that she’s still the second most-followed woman on Instagram suggests it’s entirely possible to maintain a significant web profile to promote various projects — by way of a dedicated team.
  5. It goes without saying that this is fundamentally different from how the rest of us without beauty deals and films to publicise use the likes of Instagram, TikTok and Twitter.
  6. The UK’s digital divide has worsened over the past two years, leaving poorer families without broadband connections in their homes.
  7. Digital exclusion is a major threat to wider societal equality in the UK.
  8. Consequently, it’s worth bearing in mind that while deleting all social media accounts will undoubtedly make some feel infinitely better, many other people benefit from the strong sense of community that sharing platforms can breed.
  9. It’s crucial that people who feel that social media is having a detrimental effect on their mental health are allowed to switch off — and for those living in digital exclusion to be able to switch on in the first place.